El proyecto eólico de IBERDROLA en USA,"Horse Creek Wind Project", incluido por su impacto social y medio ambiental en el Atlas de Justicia Medio ambiental (EJ Atlas). Septiembre 2017

El controvertido proyecto es el primer parque industrial eólico de Nueva York incluido, y el primero y único proyecto de Iberdrola incluido en Norte América. A escala global, Horse Creek es el cuarto proyecto eólico de Iberdrola en la lista del EJ Atlas, junto a otros proyectos de gran impacto y con gran contestación social en México, Brasil y Grecia.

Iberdrola Horse Creek Wind Project Included in the Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJ Atlas)

Controversial proposal is first industrial wind project to be listed in New York and is the first-ever Iberdrola project to be listed in North America. On a global scale, Horse Creek is the fourth Iberdrola-backed wind project listed on the EJ Atlas, joining other controversial projects in Mexico, Brazil and Greece.

Horse Creek is listed as “Decade-Long Opposition to the Iberdrola Horse Creek Wind Project, USA”.

See the Case Here:

River RATs is pleased to announce that the Horse Creek Wind Project has been added to the internationally-renowned Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJ Atlas). The EJ Atlas is the first-ever global mapping initiative documenting significant, worldwide environmental justice issues and social conflicts. With over 2,200 worldwide conflicts currently listed, the EJ Atlas is a globally-recognized tool regulated by a panel of specialist moderators at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA – UAB) in Spain. The EJ Atlas has received widespread praise from academia, media outlets, and environmental justice organizations, and has been supported by numerous environmental groups, international bodies and governmental partners, including the European Commission.

Criteria for project inclusion includes: actual or potential environmental and/or social grievances; widespread media reporting; mobilizations by local communities and environmental justice organizations; support of national/international networks and other factors.

As the first-ever Iberdrola project listed in the United States, Horse Creek’s serious social and environmental shortcomings are now magnified for a global audience. With the project’s inclusion, Horse Creek Project Stakeholders join with indigenous communities in Mexico, Afro-Brazilian communities in South America and Greek Islanders, whose communities are also threatened by improperly-sited, socially and environmentally irresponsible Iberdrola-backed wind projects.

Furthermore, the increased profile and global recognition afforded to Horse Creek as a notable environmental justice conflict via the EJ Atlas is a positive benchmark for Project Stakeholders given that environmental justice is a fundamental consideration for the Public Service Commission during the Article 10 Siting Process.

Inclusion in the EJ Atlas will continue to increase Horse Creek’s global profile and is an important step towards building a more robust international network opposed to the unwanted and wholly-inappropriate Horse Creek Wind Project.

Other Iberdrola-linked conflicts in Spain, including controversial water management, nuclear energy and oil pipeline refinery conflicts, are also listed: 

For more information about the EJ Atlas and Mapping Project:

Thank you to the more than 600 concerned residents and stakeholders who have expressed interest in our mission to preserve the health, economy, environment, beauty and culture of the 1000 Islands by opposing the Horse Creek Wind Project. 

-River RATs

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