7000 manifestantes de toda Irlanda se congregaron en Dublin para protestar contra las torres de alta tensión y aerogeneradores.

El pasado martes 15 de abril a las 11 de la mañana, miles de personas se juntaron en una protesta pacífica en Pamell Square en Dublin contra planes del gobierno de industrializar los condados irlandeses.

Turbinas industriales, Torres de alta tensión y Subestaciones cambiarán el país para las generaciones venideras. Irlanda es mundialmente reconocida por sus Campos Verdes y no por estructuras de metal estropeando el paisaje y muy próximas a las casas.

La política energética de Irlanda está afectando a miles de residentes…

Fuente: EPAW

15th April 2014
7000 protesters from all Island of Ireland gathered in Irish Capital to protest against pylons and wind turbines.

On Tuesday, April 15th at 11.00am, all the groups will be joining together once again for a peaceful protest march from Parnell Sq in Dublin down to the Dail and we hope that everyone affected will make a concerted effort to join us in making a stand against the government in their plan to industrialize our counties.
Industrial Turbines, Pylons and Substations will change our country for generations to come. Ireland is renowned for its Green fields – not metal structures blighting our landscape and in close proximity to our homes.
The energy policy for Ireland is affecting thousands of residents. The Wind, Pylon and Substation groups are demanding a “Rethink” of this policy.
After the results of the Draft Guidelines proposing to keep the 500m setback distance that all groups were vehemently opposed to, as well as elections in May, it is vital that we use this opportunity to show the government and politicians what we are made of and that we wont be overlooked and brushed aside any longer!

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